1. How much does it cost to join?
  2. How are my donations utilized by the club?
  3. Do I have to become a member to participate in TOC events?
  4. How do I find you when I've never met you before?
  5. Can I meet at a different spot than the official carpool location?
  6. How does the carpool calculation work?
  7. What time should I be at the carpool?
  8. I'm running late or I'm lost - will you wait for me?
  9. Why is Sheppard West TTC station the main carpool location?
  10. What if I don't want to sign the TOC waiver?
  11. Do you sell/share my information with any third-parties?
  12. Why is my age displayed? Isn't that private information?
  13. Can my children participate?
  14. Can I bring my dog?
  15. I have an idea for an event that I may or may not want to organize. Who should I contact?
  16. Can anyone organize an event?
  17. What if I can't attend an event that I'm registered for?
  18. How do I volunteer or donate to the club?
  19. How do the TOC's difficulty ratings work?
  20. What is the scope of the TOC events (ie. for risk/difficulty)?
  21. Can I be bumped off an event list for any reason?
  22. There is a huge waiting list for the event I want to attend. Should I bother to add my name to the list?
  23. What if I have to drop out of an event that I've already paid for?
  24. What should I expect if I'm on the waiting list for a paid event?
  25. How can I pay for an event?
  26. I chose to participate in the Member Network. Why can't I view other members' info?
  27. May I attend an event that I'm not registered for?
  28. What if I'm not crashing an event but I do run into a club group because I'm out doing the same activity at the same time?
  29. I'm trying to register for an event and the web site says I'm not old enough, even though I am. What's up with that?
  1. How much does it cost to join?
    It doesn't cost anything to join the Toronto Outdoor Club and there are no yearly membership fees. We do ask for voluntary donations for many of our free events to help us pay for things like web hosting, first aid supplies, etc.

  2. How are my donations utilized by the club?
    The Toronto Outdoor Club is volunteer run, not for profit, and free to join. Events are generally free to participate in (apart from specific external event costs). We rely on donations from members, a “paid event” transaction fee (for events with external costs) and sales of merchandise to cover the operating expenses of the club.

    An (Annually Dated) Outdoor Club badge we consider the equivalent of an entire year's worth of donations, regardless of how many events a person attends. Typically, at the end of each event volunteers offer to collect attendees’ optional $2 donations. Buying a badge not only supports the club, but allows you to tell the volunteer that you've "got the badge" whenever donation time rolls around.

    Club Expenses:
    • Banking & Transactions costs amount to our largest expense annually (i.e. PayPal, Interac Transfer Fees, Account Fees, etc)
    • Site Hosting and associated costs (domain, site hosting, photo site hosting, etc)
    • Accounting and Legal costs
    • Site Feature Upgrades and Maintenance
    • Hosting large social events (Spring Picnic, AGM, etc.)
    • Awards & Recognition (Members and Volunteers) at AGM Social
    • Typical “office” expenses (e.g. Postage, Envelopes, etc.)

    The current badge is $20 and represents a member's donations for that year. Previous years' badges (for the collectors among us) may be picked up for $10 each. Each year’s badge becomes available just prior to the year it represents, usually at the AGM (Annual General Mingle) or 20-Smackers social event.

    A miniature sized, undated badge is available for $5 – great for backpacks, jackets and other gear.

  3. Do I have to become a member to participate in TOC events?
    Yes. At one time we allowed people to sign up for events without joining the club, but we require the same information from non-members that we require from members, so there is no reason not to become a member. It's free to join and you have the ability to hide your information from others if that is a concern.

  4. How do I find you when I've never met you before?
    If you're new to the club and haven't been out to one of our events before, here are some oh-so-handy tips for how to figure out which of the strangers you see are the ones you're actually looking for:
    - At our social events: A designated spot to loiter will be appointed, and the event coordinator will gather everyone in that spot.
    - At a carpool or event location: The carpool location will be described in as much detail as possible. Look for a group of people milling around some vehicles, likely toting hiking or otheroutdoor gear.
    -Look at the Volunteer page for the Event Coordinator and you'll find their picture so you'll have a general idea what they look like

  5. Can I meet at a different spot than the official carpool location?
    If the event allows, you may choose to meet at the event. Be sure to have the coordinator's cell phone number with you and a proper map to the location; although, it is highly recommended for you to meet up at the carpool location for any changes in plans, and to get proper driving directions to the event. If you are unable to make it to the carpool location or meet at the event, some coordinators may choose to make exceptions depending on individual circumstances, so please e-mail your event coordinator if you feel it is necessary to meet somewhere else.

  6. How does the carpool calculation work?
    The per car value is shown on the event page. This calculation is done by the website based on the total kilometers of a round trip to the event. The following formula is used to reach the posted cost:
          (Current gas price) ÷ 9 + (0.08 for wear & tear) x (number of KM) = cost per vehicle

    This amount is final and can not be negotiated, regardless of differing mileage on a driver's odometer. To achieve a final per person amount for the carpool the event coordinator does the following:
          (Cost per vehicle) x (number of vehicles used in carpool) ÷ (total number of persons in carpool) = per person amount

    The coordinator will collect the per person amount from all the non-drivers, and pay the drivers the per car amount less the driver's per person amount. Only people who participate in the carpool will be included in this calculation. If the amount per person is not a full dollar amount, the coordinator will round to the next dollar to make the calculation easier. Any money left over will be added to donations.

  7. What time should I be at the carpool?
    The carpool time on the event is the carpool DEPARTURE time. Please plan on being at the event at least 15 minutes before the carpool time ESPECIALLY if this is your first event. There are introductions to be made, carpool assignments, attendance to be taken, and questions to be answered. It's a hectic time for the Event Coordinator and they don't have time to deal with latecomers.

  8. I'm running late or I'm lost - will you wait for me?
    The carpool time on the event is the carpool DEPARTURE time. Please plan on being at the event at least 15 minutes before the carpool time ESPECIALLY if this is your first event. There are introductions to be made, carpool assignments, attendance to be taken, questions to be answered. It's a hectic time for the Event Coordinator and they don't have time to deal with latecomers. Latecomers not only inconvenience people who have made the effort to wake up early in order to be on time, but they also delay the event and the people who are waiting for the club at the trailhead. The coordinator has booked plenty of time to get to the trailhead so that coffee can bought, gas tanks filled up and cottage traffic is considered. Here's a general rule: if you are not ready to leave your house One Hour before the carpool time, you may want to rethink your plans for the day. If you are well on your way, but you got lost, took the wrong subway or hit some bizarre and unexpected traffic delay, please let the coordinator know at least 15 minutes before the carpool time. They will have the final say on how long they will wait but be aware if the carpool time is 10:00 and you show up at 10:01 there are no guarantees. Please do not call the coordinator and ask them to turn back for you or to send someone to come pick you up.

  9. Why is Sheppard West TTC station the main carpool location?
    It's far from downtown and inconvenient on Sundays when the subway doesn't start running until 8am.
          A) It is centrally located for out-of-town events, close to Highways 401, 400, and the 404/DVP
          B) Sheppard West has free parking on weekends and holidays for the members who aren't driving to the event location (Note: no overnight parking any day).
          C) It is close to our clubhouse Chalker's (247 Marlee Avenue)
    Sheppard West is the best compromise the TOC could make in order to continue to provide rides for downtowners without cars. Many drivers still drive out of their way to get to this location, without them we wouldn't have much of a club! Maybe in the future we'll have some downtown drivers, but in the meantime get to know your TTC Sunday morning bus schedules!

  10. Why is my age displayed? Isn't that private information?
    Many members appreciate knowing what type of people may be accompanying them on an event and a group of 20 somethings can be a different experience than a group of 50 somethings. The TOC feels that age specific event are discriminatory, however, members are welcome to choose whether they'd feel comfortable among a group of significantly older or younger participants. Regular members will tell you that ages are insignificant, but it's still nice to know. If you are 50+ but don't feel a day over 29, go ahead and lie on your birthdate - we won't tell a soul! You have the choice to hide your actual birthdate from display since that is considered to be private information..if you are telling the truth!

  11. What if I don't want to sign the TOC waiver?
    If you do not understand, agree to, or sign the TOC waiver, you will be unable to participate in TOC events. This is for the club's protection and safety, and we appreciate your hassle-free signature. Please Note: Signing the waiver does not mean you can ignore the coordinator's request If a coordinator decides that a route is too dangerous, or that equipment is required for that event that is not required by law, signing the waiver does not give you the right to be stupid or unsafe.

  12. Do you sell/share my information with any third-parties?
    We respect the privacy of our members and do not sell or share your information with any third-parties. It is also up to you whether or not you want to share your member information with the other members of the club in the online members area.

  13. Can my children participate?
    Some, but very few, events may allow for children. You'll need to check the particular event's information online to see if they are permitted.

  14. Can I bring my dog?
    Dogs are permitted on some events. This is at the discretion of the particular event's coordinator and whether the area in which the event occurs permits them.

  15. I have an idea for an event that I may or may not want to organize. Who should I contact?
    Great! We are always looking for new event ideas, whether or not you'd like to organize it. Since we are a club run by the members for the members, we always want to know what exactly you want to do. E-mail our volunteer coordinator, Stacy P, at volunteers@torontooutdoorclub.com to discuss event ideas.

  16. Can anyone organize an event?
    Currently, all we ask for is that you are a) enthusiastic, b) have some experience organizing/leading, c) have attended at least 5 TOC outdoor events. See our Coordinator Checklist,and/or e-mail our Volunteer Coordinator, Stacy P, at volunteers@torontooutdoorclub.com for more information.

  17. What if I can't attend an event that I'm registered for?
    There are a couple of ways you can remove your registration from an event. First, log in to the web site, and then either:
    - Click on the event details and scroll to the bottom for a button to remove yourself
    - Select "My Upcoming Events" from the EVENTS menu, and use the section at the bottom to remove yourself
    Note that if you cancel after the registration cut-off date , you must contact the event coordinator to let them know. If you are cancelling within 24hours of the event, please phone the coordinator to let them know. If you simply do not show up for an event, it may impact your participation on future events. Please review our Cancellation Policy for more information.

  18. How do I volunteer or donate to the club?
    It's easy to help out. We keep our web site updated with our current needs on our Volunteer & Donate page. Let us know how you'd like to help, and we'll get you started. Thanks for your interest!!!

  19. How do the TOC's difficulty ratings work?
    The mission of the TOC is to provide events for all skill levels, with the main focus being at a beginner/intermediate skill level. Our events are rated for difficulty with this in mind. Because we are a variety club, and are not hard-core into a specific activity, our events are often rated more difficult than an expert would consider them to be (they are rated for our group, not for the expert, or hard-core community). If you have never participated in an activity before, you should be just fine attending an event that is rated Easy or Easy to Moderate. If your confidence level is higher with an activity, our events rated more difficult than that should still be fine. Make sure that you have an excellent fitness level, and/or extensive experience with an event, before signing up for anything rated Difficult or Advanced. If you are unsure of your ability to complete an event you’re interested in, please e-mail the event coordinator to discuss before registering. Please review our Event Difficulty Ratings for details.

  20. What is the scope of the TOC events (ie. for risk/difficulty)?
    Because the TOC is a free, volunteer-run organization, there are certain activities that are beyond the scope of what we're able to offer. The scope of the TOC includes:
    - Hikes, walks, backpacking, camping, canoeing, rafting, scrambles, inline skating
    - Cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, snow shoeing, ice skating
    - Special events run through a tour company (caving, dog sledding, trail rides)
    - Social and variety events
    The scope of the TOC does NOT include:
    - Singles events - these are WAY too dangerous (ok, seriously, they're just outside of our scope. The TOC is an "everyone welcome" club that does not discriminate based on marital status)
    - Mountain climbing, rock climbing or ice climbing (unless run through an external organization)
    - Sky diving, hang gliding, paragliding, wind surfing, kite boarding

  21. Can I be bumped off an event list for any reason?
    Event sign-ups and waiting lists are always on a first-come, first served basis. It is, however, possible for you to get bumped off an event list in the following circumstances:
    - You are not physically able to complete the event, or are putting yourself (or others) at risk by attempting the event
    - You arrive without the required equipment to complete the event (e.g. a helmet for a biking event)
    - The event hasn't got enough drivers, in which case a person willing to take their vehicle maybe given precedence on the event over someone who isn't
    - You have two or more no-shows logged on your account (see our cancellation policy for more information)
    - You have been notified previously that you are not welcome on this coordinator’s events (due to past issues).

  22. There is a huge waiting list for the event I want to attend. Should I bother to add my name to the list?
    For the most part we try to get as many people onto an event who want to attend. For hikes or other outdoor activities, the limited numbers are more of a suggestion and some volunteers are willing to add more people to the hike than they initially intended. In some cases, a second group will be added to accomodate a growing waiting list. Social events like dinners, paid events or house parties are less flexible in the number of attendees; however, there are always last minute drop outs. The best option is to watch your email for any notification from the co-ordinator, or even to call the day of the event to let them know you are still interested. If you do not want to be put on a stand by situation, you have the option to be dropped off the waiting list automatically at a certain number of days before the day of the event. Don't forget that a guaranteed way to get on an event is to become a volunteer and co-ordinate one!

  23. What if I have to drop out of an event that I've already paid for?
    If it is still before the cut-off date, you may fill out the Refund Request Form (under the EVENTS menu) to receive a full refund (less transaction fee). If the cut-off date has passed, you will receive a refund only if someone takes (and pays for) your spot on the event. Please see our cancellation policy for details.

  24. What should I expect if I'm on the waiting list for a paid event?
    If paid attendees drop out of a paid event after the registration cut-off, or if places are available once the event cut-off date has passed, the members on the waitlist will be contacted. The first person to commit to and pay for the spot gets it. You can "Prepay" for a spot if you are on the waiting list!. If you are totally committed to attending a paid event but you are on the waiting list you may prepay the amount. This will put you first in line as soon as someone either drops out or the payment date passes and there are people who have not paid by the cutoff. If you prepay and still do not get on the event, the money will be refunded to you. Prepayments are recorded on the website, so the coordinator(s) can see immediately who on the waiting list has prepaid, and so who is first in line for a vacant place. Note that this practice is different from our waiting list "first come first served" policy for regular events.

  25. How can I pay for an event?
    You must pay for your events (which require payment) by the cut-off date. Payment must be made to the club Treasurer. See our Payment Info page for more information. .

  26. I chose to participate in the Member Network. Why can't I view other members' info?
    Until you have attended 2+ events with the Toronto Outdoor Club you will not have access to view the information of other club members. This is a privacy/security measure which ensures that personal information is not made publicly available (ie. all someone would have to do to gain access to the information is sign up for a free club). To protect our members' privacy we have implemented a policy that the information is only made available to participating members.

  27. May I attend an event that I'm not registered for?
    No, event crashing is against club policy. Please see "Event Crashing" on our Rules page for complete information.

  28. What if I'm not crashing an event but I do run into a club group because I'm out doing the same activity at the same time?
    Most of our events do take place in public venues that are open to everyone. Please see "Event Crashing" on our Rules page for complete information about what constitutes "crashing" and what does not.

  29. I'm trying to register for an event and the web site says I'm not old enough, even though I am. What's up with that?
    Sometimes a person receives this message when they:
    • Are using an old version of a browser or a non-standard browser
    • Have their security settings too high on their browser
    • Have their browser set to refuse cookies
    The solutions to this problem are:
    • Use a different computer
    • Upgrade/change your browser
    • Decrease your security settings and/or allow cookies
Please contact us with any additional questions you may have.