This page is current as of Tuesday, October 22, 2024.

Role Name Email
President The TOC Executive Committee
Treasurer Andrew Fell *
Volunteer Coordinator Stacy P *
Communications Andrew Fell
Web Master Erik Sonstenes
Director-at-Large Jaskirat (Jessie) Kaur
Director-at-Large Justin Hutchins
Director-at-Large Andrew Fletcher

* indicates this director is also a Vice-president

Club Volunteers: The Toronto Outdoor Club team consists of the following positions. Some of these positions are currently occupied, and others are open. If you are interested in an open position, please contact The TOC Executive Committee at to apply.

If you have a concern with some aspect of the TOC - the way the club is being run, with a specific event, etc. please contact the appropriate person as outlined in the table below:

Concern   President     Volunteer Coordinator     Treasurer     Communications  
I’ve made a donation at an event but am not seeing that amount recorded on the event account.   X X
I’ve raised an issue with the Volunteer Coordinator but am not happy with the response I received.   X
I’ve made a payment for an event but don’t see it reflected on the event.   X
I have a question about an item that was included in the minutes from an Executive meeting.   X
I asked for the accounting numbers for an event but the Volunteer wouldn’t let me see them.   X
I witnessed behaviour by a member or the coordinator on an event that made me uncomfortable.   X
I have another concern not mentioned here.   X