Sat, Oct 10 2015, Sun, Oct 11 2015, Mon, Oct 12 2015 - Backpacking the Western UplandsTrail in Algonquin (32km) (View Original Event Details)
We drove out of Toronto early in the morning, approached Algonquin Park West Gate at a decent time, and were surprised by unexpected traffic. It seems that many tourist visit the park to witness the colour change, which peaked that weekend. Lucky us! Although we were stuck in traffic for some time, looking at the scenery was totally enjoyable, and totally worth the wait.
Once at the park gate, we got our permits, then headed to the trailhead to start our adventure. We ended up hiking longer than anticipated during the first day, as we had to explore several campsites around Maple Leaf Lake before we found one suitable and available,.
The weather turned out to be a nice treat for the entire weekend, as it was unseasonably warm and dry. Saturday was the coldest day, reaching a minimum of 4C in the evening; and the rest of the weekend was much warmer, reaching evening minimums of 7C, and day maximums of 23C. Clear skies made possible to enjoy the change of colours in Algonquin against blue skies during the day; and combined with a new moon, starry nights.
By the end of the trip, somehow we managed to complete 37km instead of 32km as originally planned. It seems that exploring side trails over three days could add to the count.
It was Thanksgiving weekend, and we were very thankful for the opportunity to be in the
park in such glorious weekend.
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