Sat, Jul 23 2011 - (I've got the) Bruce Trail BLUES (#1) (View Original Event Details)
The goal of the day was to hike ~25km of the bruce trail, mostly by side (blue) trails. Due to a lack of drivers, there were only 6 of us that headed out that morning. The forecast was for close to 35°C before humidity. To save money, the parking was along 6th line, the northern most side street parking. When we got there, the lot was almost brimming full, so we thought we could park on the other side of the street. As we were getting geared up, we saw a group with saws and hammers leaving the parking and going to the trail. Wow.. what were we in for? A bruce trail chainsaw massacre? Ah, but Stacy recognized one in the group as a Trail Maintenance person from a year or so back when she had helped build stairs on a new section of the Hockley Valley BT! After exchanging a few friendly words, we were warned that we'd get parking tickets if our cars stayed where they were. So a quick reshuffling of cars, and we were finally off on the trail!
The morning was fine, and the bugs were not bad at all! The deer flies and mosquitoes that had plagued the hike leader just the day before had dissipated (more or less). But the heat was just getting going, and as it burned out the clouds, got more persistent as the day went on.
The Hilton Falls side trail is quite lovely, and mostly flat. We made good time and took several short breaks for water and snacks. When we finally crossed the quarry bridge, we were all still feeling quite fine.
Sometime later, though, I (Stacy) subconsciously voted for a break, so tripped over … (not sure what!), and broke my fall with my arm scraping along a tree. Time to assess the first aid kit! An antibacterial towelette, some gauze, and a tensor bandage all made due to patch up the scratches.
A few more breaks, and we were finally ready for lunch at the Hilton Falls visitor centre! We found that the parking lot was pretty bare (not many people braving the heat of that summer day), and the centre itself was empty. A big table and chairs in an air conditioned room, with attached washrooms, made it the perfect spot to settle in for lunch.
But as everyone who attended knows, I was nearing heat exhaustion (stroke?) by this time. The cars were a good 10 km away, and the day was still at its hottest. We consulted maps, we asked around to the staff, and weighed our options. I was worried that my own heat intolerance was going to ruin the hike for the rest of the group. While one option was that we all simply kept going, I certainly didn't want to pass out somewhere between here and there, and leave the group with an unconscious leader! Another thought was for some of the group to keep going and get the cars. Finally though, Dan had the most popular idea: ask someone in the parking lot to give him a lift to his car! He was then able to get the car and come back and get me so that I could get my car, where I could return to the centre, get the rest of the crew, and head out of Milton, air conditioning at full tilt!
Despite the shortened hike, I learned a lot that day: what I need in my first aid kit, what heat I can reasonably tolerate, and how wonderful and innovative TOC members can be!
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