Fri, Jul 28 2006 - Movie: Ugetsu (a Japanese classic) (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Jo
Participants:Reem, Jo, Jim O, Marianna, Stephanie A, Afra, Renee, Saif

Write Up:

Friday was extremely hot and humid, so the Cinematheque served as an air-conditioned refuge. We met outside the AGO (where Reem lost no time in striking up a conversation with Arsinee Khanjian and Atom Egoyan).

The film "Ugetsu" was very thought-provoking. The pace was often slow, but the cinematography was beautiful. Mizoguchi disliked close-ups, and liked wide and long shots that were arranged in a painterly way. Reality and illusion intersected as the story unfolded. The director's typical themes of men's greed and foolishness and women's suffering because of this had our female contingent nodding. Afterwards, Jo, Jim, Steph, Saif, Renee and Reem went to Crispy Roll on Queen for some tasty Japanese food - Saif's FIRST sushi experience! A visit to the Queen Mother for coffee and dessert rounded off a very pleasant evening.

Look out for more TOC Cinematheque evenings in future.

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