Sat, Jun 6 2009 - Rural Hike: Rattlesnake Point to Crawford Lake (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Jim O
Participants:Sandy, Aishwarya, Anne, John Crawford, Christie W, Li, Bektas, Jim O, Anita Block, Josephine, Maggie J, Amme, Ksenia, Roslyn J

Write Up:
The temperature was a little humid but still cooler than normal for the season, and fourteen of us had an excellent day of hiking on June 6th at Rattlesnake Point. The hike went as planned other than for the fact that, due to a wrong turn or two, we ended up doing one loop within the hiking trail twice. This made the hike a 20 km instead of a 15 km hike. The mosquitoes were out, and some of us came back with bites. All in all, an enjoyable outing.

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