Wed, Jan 21 2009 - Winter Walk in High Park (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Victor
Participants:Victor, Véronique S, Daniel Parker, Megan, Cynthia D, Claire, Shannon, JN, Dave

Write Up:
We enjoyed a great weather for our night hike. We started by the Windigo trail, a mythical creature that was hunting Dave. We arrived the Grenadiers Pond, where we listening the tale about how the heroic Mike organized a human chain to rescued a drunk friend that fell down into the freezing waters. Leading by Dave, and some times by Mike, we explored some icy trails in High Park. The adventurous Shannon, found us in one of the eastern trails. We decided to have a winter edition of Shakespeare in the Park, Claire was going to play Juliet, and Victor Romeo, but they were eclipsed by Dave poetics skills (believe me you do not want to listen the poem). We were hunted down by hundred of hungry wild dogs, but fortunately, no one bitted us :-) We enjoyed a 1 coup of hot chocolate in the Grenadiers Cafe. Before taking back the subway / car; We realized that 60% of the hikers lived between Eglinton and St. Clair, so we share our way back to the subway, and managed to catch the Yonge northbound train.

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