Sat, May 24 2008 - Birdwatching for Beginners (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Rob M.
Participants:Rob M., Hannah, Emily A, Cat, Ala T., Linda C, Peter S, Teresa N, Kelly, Courtney S, LP, Afra

Write Up:
The morning started off with a strong breeze but it did not seem to deter the birds. Participants were curious and open-minded and I hope they came away with an experience that will make them want to pursue birdwatching as a pastime. Sixty species were observed highlights of which included: Blackpoll Warbler, Canada Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Least Flycatcher on the nest and a very pale Red-tailed Hawk that could possibly be a Krider’s Hawk variant from the prairies. A special thank you to those who paid the registration fee – a $25 donation was made to the Bird Research Station to continue their conservation efforts.

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