Sat, Aug 13 2016 - Scarborough Eastern Bluffs Loop 17 km - 20 km (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Arnie
Participants:Arnie, Sharmaine, Yvonne, Serena, behnaz

Write Up:
An excellent speedy hike again!

We did the route in reverse since I wanted to do the beach part before the forecast severe thunderstorms arrived

we got 99% lucky. no rain for the first 3.5 hours. great hike along the beach, nice waves. with 3 minutes to go until the end of the hike it suddenly starting pouring. by the time we got to our cars there was a river running down the street

There is a major construction project going on at the Guild Inn. We had to walk around the fenced off construction area, and came across an old wooden cabin (which I had not seen before during 8 hikes thru the Guild park) with some very interesting carvings.

3.6 hours with a short lunch break

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