Sun, Aug 26 2007 - Craft Brewery Fest (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Alison
Participants:Alison, Mel Tan, Bill G, Bernadette, Jessie, Amir, Danielle, MaryAnn Farley

Write Up:

Eight intrepid TOCers braved the wilds of North York to enjoy the Craft Brew Fest at Black Creek Pioneer Village.

Participants were entertained by a variety of musical bands, including a humorous group called Washboard Hank, who played banjo, bass, and (naturally) a washboard, which was loaded down with multiple bells including one on a miner’s helmet. Their original songs had catchy and decidedly original lyrics, to the enjoyment of the entire audience.

We listened to one of the BCPV volunteers discuss the brewing process using non-traditional, home-grown ingredients, such as lemon balm and dandelions, which the homesteaders used to make a potent brew for home consumption so as to avoid spending scarce, hard-earned coins at a tavern.

The majority of the group opted for the brew sampler, which allowed each participant to select 4 of about 12 different brews and ciders. All were made by local micro-breweries – none of your Labatt’s here! The beverages ranged from a very palatable, dry cider made in King City to a dark ale brewed in Niagara, with every shade and style of beer in between.

A lecture on ‘Tasting Beer’ was a definite highlight, with Oliver Dawson, the enthusiastic speaker, covering the history of brewing, and all styles of beer, from traditional English ales, to the Pilsner of Czechoslovakia. The entertaining and informative presentation provided detailed information on how to enjoy the different beers made, and what to look for in a good example of each. Samples allowed the participants to try each style, and experience for themselves the distinguishing characteristics of each type of beer.

A stroll around the grounds of BCPV allowed the TOCers to explore the way in which our ancestors lived in the 18th century in Upper Canada by visiting the various buildings, gardens and animal pens that demonstrate the way life used to be, a century and more ago.

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